North Central Chapter, Health Physics Society
Minutes of the Business Meeting September 26, 2003
Earle Brown Center, University of Minnesota, St. Paul Campus
St. Paul, MN.

Called to order at 12:35 PM by Brian Vetter, NCCHPS President.

Note:  A copy of the business meeting agenda can be found at the end of this report.

1.)     The Chapter recognized and thanked the vendors who sponsored the Spring Meeting:
-Tom Chwierut of ICN
-F & J Specialties and Hi-Q Environmental with literature.

2.)     The Spring Meeting minutes from April 25, 2003 were distributed by e-mail and posted on the website.  The minutes were accepted as written.

3.)     The secretary/treasurers report was presented.

As of September 25, 2003:




Money Market Fund:


Total NCCHPS Funds:




Membership Data:



111 Full Members


 2 New members since last spring


13 Emeritus Members


No Student Member


12 Affiliate Members


No new affiliate members since last spring

98% of the members have paid 2003 dues

4.)     This year the affiliate count stands at 12.  The complete Affiliate Member Report is on file with the secretary/treasurer.  Chris Kessler from the Marshfield Clinic in Marshfield, WI, assumed duties of the Affiliate Coordinator in May.

5.)     Brian Vetter presented the executive council meeting report.  Dan McGrane presented figures showing the need for an increase in meeting fees to $15.00 at the door and $10.00 by pre-pay.  Dan McGrane has the data on file.  Brian then presented and read through the by-law changes recommended by Mike Lewandowski.  Most of the amendments reflect the use of electronic balloting and the use of e-mail for notices of meeting and other chapter issues.  The majority of the membership present at the meeting approved the amendments.  They will now be prepared and distributed to the entire membership for final voting.

6.)     The executive council approved and recognized two new individual memberships received in the last six months.  The new members are; Mary Ellen Jafari, Gunderson Lutheran Medical Center, LaCrosse, WI. and Laurie W. Taylor, Health Protection Office, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.

7.)     The spring meeting program Continuing Education Credits are being applied for by Irene Patrek.  She will inform the secretary upon approval and the membership will be notified.

8.)     The University of Minnesota, the fall meeting hosts, were recognized and thanked by the Chapter.

9.)     Brian recognized Richard Vetter, recipient of the HPS Founders Award at the national conference in San Diego and Steven Schultz, winner of national HPS Teacher of the Year.  Articles on both individuals will be in future newsletters.

Old Business

1.)     The HDER program is gaining momentum.  Ten key cities across the US have received equipment and training.  Ken and the state of Iowa are working jointly on the Iowa program.  Jim McClosky is the State of Minnesota contact to the federal program and Brian is our chapter contact to the State of Minnesota.  The HPS will take care of the cost of usables such as batteries and cables on the HDER equipment.

2.)     Cynthia Horn announced that Wade Jepsen of Green Bay Southwest High School had been selected to receive our Science Teacher Award for 2003.  His high school science department will received the $500.00 Award.  Wade will be invited to attend our Spring 2004 meeting and his name will be submitted to HPS for the National Award.  Janet Silsby has done and excellent job of gathering information on local school district and or state education contacts, who to inform for teacher credits and how the various regions handle teacher credits for sessions such as our workshop.  Contact with local science teacher organizations is intermitted.

3.)     Dan McGrane, local Ad Hoc committee, presented our proposal for St. Paul as a national HPS conference site to the Venues committee in San Diego.  They did not turn us away but did not entirely buy the proposal either.  We were asked to gather cost for a Minneapolis site so a comparison could be done.  Jan Braun is working on gathering this information.  Once we receive the Minneapolis package Jan will arrange for a tour of both locations with Sue Burk.

New Business

1.)     Brian brought up Article IX of our by-laws, Committees and Appointments”.  The executive committee feels that we need to pay more attention to and follow the guidelines of the standing committees in Article IX.  One of the thoughts is to assign each of the 4 executive council members to a committee.  The subject was left open to comments from the membership.

2.)     The 2003 Chapter Award was presented to Dan McGrane in recognition of his untiring service to the Chapter as Secretary-Treasurer since the Fall of 2001.

3.)     Brian solicited the meeting attendees for a spring meeting location.  The executive council is open to offers from the membership for hosting of the spring meeting.

4.)     Brian called for nominations for Chapter officers.  We will elect two council members and a President in 2004.  Brian and Irene will be open to any nominations for the offices of president-elect and councilpersons (2) from the membership.

5.)     Brother Jerome has two – Cs-137, NIST standards that he will send to a new home.  Please contact him if you are interested.

6.)    Brian presented a short but succinct “State of the Chapter” to the attendees.  He feels that the Chapter is strong, in good financial shape and that many members are active.  He asked again that members step forward and take an active role in shaping the Chapter.  The Chapter presented Brian Vetter with a plaque to commemorate his service as President.

Other Business


The meeting adjourned at 1:10 PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel J. McGrane, NCCHPS Secretary/Treasurer

NCCHPS Business Meeting
September 26, 2003
University of Minnesota
Earle Brown Center
St. Paul, Minnesota

1. Call to order
2. Review minutes of April 25, 2003 meeting.
3. Secretary/Treasurer Report
4. Affiliate Coordinator Report
5. Executive Council Meeting Report
6. Recognize any new members present
7. Recognition of HPS award recipients.

Old Business

1. Homeland Defense Equipment Reuse update
2. Science & Education Committee update
3. Ad hoc Local Arrangements Committee update
4. Other old business

New Business

1. Teacher workshop
2. NCCHPS committee assignments
3. Chapter Award
4. Fall meeting location
5. Nominations for Chapter officers
6. Other
7. State of the Chapter